Home android How To Move Apps To Cloud Storage Android

How To Move Apps To Cloud Storage Android

How to move apps to cloud storage Android
move apps to cloud storage in android

There is no feature available in Android to move apps from the smartphone’s internal storage to cloud storage. However, with the help of cloud computing, such types of apps can be made in the coming time. But you can’t use it right now

To install apps in Android, the device’s internal storage is required, If there is less space in the internal storage, then clean the internal storage by uploading some data to the cloud storage, only then install other apps.

1. Open The Google Drive App

Google Drive cloud storage is used a lot in Android because it is pre-installed, as well as it is also the most secure cloud storage. 15 GB of cloud storage is available in Google Drive for free, that’s why apk files of all Android applications can be moved here.

Apart from Google Drive, there are many other cloud storage available that you can use to store your data in the cloud. To know about all these cloud storage read Best cloud storage for personal use. Because with good cloud storage, you get fast uploading and downloading speed as well as more security.

2. Create New Folder

Create a new folder and upload the apk files of all your apps in this folder so that you can easily find these apk files. You can also upload files without creating a folder, but this can cause problems in locating your file.

Because if you are already using Google Drive, then many of your files must have already been uploaded to Drive.

Read This: How To increase the upload speed

3. Click On The Upload Icon

After opening the folder, click on the upload icon and select the apk file from the internal storage. After that, your file will be uploaded to Google cloud storage. However, depending on the size of the file and the speed of the Internet, how long will it take for the APK file to be uploaded.

What To Do After Moving The App To Cloud Storage

After moving the app to the cloud storage, you can delete the app’s files from your internal storage. If your problem is that the internal storage is full then you can buy an extra micro sd card which will give you extra storage. Although in micro sd card you do not get the speed and security as much as the internal storage of the smartphone, but it can still be used.


Is it safe to store apps in cloud storage?

Yes. It is safe to upload applications to cloud storage. In addition, it also frees up the internal storage of your device. And when this application is needed, you can download and install it.

Can We Move Apps To Cloud Storage?

All the apps that are installed in Android have to be installed in the internal storage of the device. That is why uploading the apps to the cloud storage, cannot be used on the device. However, the apk file of any app can be moved or uploaded to the cloud storage.

Can You Store Applications On The Cloud?

Yes, To store the application’s file in the cloud, it has to be uploaded to any cloud storage. Only after uploading, the app will be stored in the cloud storage forever.

How Do I Free Up Space On My Android Without Deleting Everything?

To clean the internal storage of Android, you have to delete all the unusable data. Also, all the temporary files will have to be deleted. You can delete all the junk files by downloading any storage cleaning app from Google Play Store.


Sometimes due to lack of storage, we cannot install more apps. That’s why moving the apk file of installed apps to cloud storage is a better option.

If you want to know how to use the installed app in Android by moving it to cloud storage, So for your information, let us tell you that this cannot be done at the moment. No feature of this method is currently available in operating systems like Android, iOS, etc.

In this post, you will only be taught how to move apk files downloaded from third-party websites to cloud storage from internal storage.



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