Popular online graphic design tool Canva is not working for some time today, although this error was visible to a few users. There has been no official statement from Canva regarding this error. Whether this error was in Canva’s server or this error appeared due to some fault in the user’s internet connection, at the moment there is no information about it.
Such errors often appear on all websites at some point or the other due to high traffic or other server errors. However, this error gets solved very soon. After seeing this error, some Canva Pro users were getting confused, because many of their projects were uploaded on Canva itself.

Actually, 502 Bad Gateway Error was seen in Canva. A 502 Bad Gateway error means that there is something wrong with the website’s server. This error can be caused by Canva’s servers or Cloudflare. However, no one may have suffered much due to this error. Because it didn’t last long.
If you see any such error while logging into Canva in the future, don’t stress too much as this error will be fixed automatically. Your Canva account or your data will not be destroyed.